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The effects of MicroLactin on the symptoms of osteoarthritis in adults: An exploratory, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial

Background: Reconstituted hyperimmune milk (MicroLactin) has been shown to have anti-inflammatory qualities, prompting further research into its use for the relief of osteoarthritis symptoms. A concentrated form of this milk product, MicroLactin contains the high-molecular-weight and low-molecular-weight components present in the reconstituted milk product.
Objective: The purpose of this exploratory study was to assess the effects of MicroLactin on the symptoms of osteoarthritis in adults.Methods: Patients aged ≥19 years with physician-diagnosed osteoarthritis with daily joint pain, stiffness, and immobility were eligible. This was a prospective, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial lasting 6 weeks and having 3 treatment arms: MicroLactin 2000 mg BID, glucosamine sulfate 500 mg TID, and placebo. Osteoarthritis symptoms were assessed using the Western Ontario and McMaster Universities (WOMAC) Osteoarthritis Index.


Results: Forty-two participants were enrolled (8 men, 34 women; mean age, 59 years [range, 34–86 years]); 35 patients (5 men, 30 women) completed the study. Due to significant baseline differences in 3 (stiffness, activities, and total) of the 4 (pain, stiffness, activities, and total) WOMAC Osteoarthritis Index scores in the placebo group compared with the MicroLactin and glucosamine sulfate—treated groups (P ≤ 0.05), the results of this study were restricted to the analysis of intragroup performance from baseline to the completion of the study. The results showed significant improvement from baseline to week 6 for the MicroLactin treated group for all 4 scores (P ≤ 0.005). In the glucosamine sulfate—treated group, a significant improvement was found in stiffness and total WOMAC Osteoarthritis Index scores from baseline to week 6 (P ≤ 0.05 for both) but not in the pain or activities scores. In the placebo group, no significant changes were found in any of the WOMAC Osteoarthritis Index scores.
Conclusion: The results of this study indicate that MicroLactin, when given at a dose of 2000 mg BID, was effective in relieving the symptoms of osteoarthritis, including joint pain, joint stiffness, and immobility, in this patient


مايكرولاكتن SWISS بروتين طبيعي

SWISS المواد الفعالة في مايكرولاكتن هي (بروتين الحليب المركز) وهو موجود بشكل طبيعي في حليب الابقار
(Hyperimmune milk). هذا البروتين يتكون من مواد بروتينة مضادة معينة وكذلك مواد بروتينية حيوية طبيعية دقيقة اخرى ولكنها بتركيز ضئيل جدا حيث لا يمكن استعماله طبيا وعمليا . وباستخدام طريقة العزل ذات براءة الاختراع الامريكية رقم 5650175 تمكن العلماء والباحثون في شركة ستول ملك بيولوجك انك
( Stolle Milk Biologic Inc )..من عزل وتنقية وتركيز هذه المواد البروتينية الحيوية الطبيعية الدقيقة المفيدة التي تسمى (ميكرولاكتين ) بشكل كافي يمكنهم من استعماله طبيا وعمليا باشكال غذائية وصيدلانية.
كل الدراسات اثبتت ان مايكرولاكتن SWISS ليس له اي تأثيرات جانبية على مرضى السكري، الضغط، الكبد، الكلى، القلب، المعده او اي حاله مرضيه اخرى ولا يتعارض مع اي علاج اخر
_ يخفف اّلام وتصلب المفاصل المصاحبة للحركة اليومية.
_ يخفف الاّلام الناتجة من التهاب المفاصل.
_ يعمل على سرعة استعادة مرونة المفاصل والحركة الطبيعية.
.يعطي تحسن في صحة المفاصل ل (9) من كل (10) اشخاص _


Hygint cooperation with;
Stolle Milk Biologic Inc (Research & Patency)
Swiss Natural (Marketing Authorization)
Bega Bionutrient (Australian Mass Production)




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